The other day I saw one of those trucks with the flags on it. You know the one. It’s a giant pedestrian-killing machine, proudly waving one oversized American flag and one “Blue Lives Matter” flag. When I see those trucks I automatically assume that person is racist, homophobic, xenophobic. Not good people. Am I the only one? Our flag has begun to become associated with hate.

I am a liberal. And guess what- I also love my country. I’m proud to be an American. That doesn’t mean that I love my government. That doesn’t mean that I am proud of the atrocities my country has committed. What I love is the people. My family and friends. I love jazz music. I love BBQ. I love our national parks. I love cheering for our Olympic athletes. Who else should I cheer for? To me, that’s patriotism. When I go camping I bring a miniature flag for my campsite because in the woods, in our beautiful parks and lands, that’s what my country means to me.

I want to take back the flag. I want to see a USA where a flag can be waved and there is no association with racism. Where the flag means “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” I’ve had it in my mind that if Trump ever goes to prison, that is that day I am going to get one of those giant flags. I am going to proudly wave it to celebrate my country for standing up to fascism. For protecting my right to have my vote count. Who is with me? Let’s take back the flag!

    1 year ago

    There is no taking back the flag in the short term. I don’t think it’s possible to wave the flag without implicitly excusing all the atrocities our country is perpetrating. Until we stop passing anti-trans, anti-woman legislation, correct our horribly gerrymandered congressional districts, stop electing a plurality of racist politicians that are able to enact oppressive, even if not explicitly racist policies (like redlining and cutting funding to public schools), allowing homeless populations to expand, and on and on…

    That said, I’m not sure there are many (if any) countries that have clean flags. I think nationalism and patriotism in general are ignorant. Nothing wrong with being proud of your community, but the community you describe is small; very local. That can’t be called patriotism.