In every election “left-leaning” neoliberals always try to guilt-trip Marxists into voting for their candidates with the usual schpiel: “Your party doesn’t have enough votes to win. You are just letting conservatives win”. What do you tell these people?

    1 year ago

    They wouldn’t dare because they’d receive a long lecture on how electoralism is a game, a distraction created by the bourgeoisie to keep the proletariat from real power and how its one and only possible utility is in raising an explicitly communist, Marxist platform and getting it in the public eye and as there are no such candidates with backing of a vanguard party there is no purpose in participating in such charades on my part.

    I would further point out there is no harm reduction for the evils of America’s empire on the world. Biden escalated the Ukraine conflict into a war, prevented an early surrender and peace agreement, has the blood of thousands including children on his hands as does the whole party of murderous hooligans known as the Democrats.

    I could go on and on with this but the point is to turn the tables on them and demand they account for the vile things the monsters they waste their breath supporting doing. But liberals are hypocrites and people who are explicit in being neo-liberals are fascists with the mask already half-slipped off their face so it’s pointless to debate with them as they’d say all those problems I outlined are good and that such is what you get for resisting the US. The only thing to say to such people is that you will not save them if they are rightfully put up against a wall.