Larian has delayed the release of Baldur’s Gate 3, currently on pace to possibly be 2023’s Game of the Year, until they can figure out how to make split-screen work on Series S.

    1 year ago

    $300, access to Game Pass, and playing nearly every new game that comes out for far cheaper are its strengths.

    There is no “the way they do split screen”.

    This is just a strange argument to make in the face of interviews and contradictory evidence of other modern games running on the Series S.

      1 year ago

      Its not the CPU that is the issue anyway. Its the memory both size and bandwidth. Microsoft addressed the size somewhat by making some more RAM available but that doesn’t address the bandwidth. The issue is developers are hitting limits in shifting assets around as compared to the X. Its why you see significant texture differences and skipped RT in titles.

      I don’t have a crystal ball for how it will play out in the second half of the generation but you would have to think it is more likely to become a bigger issue than not. Its also imho another reason why there won’t be a Pro series console. More likely they sunset the generation faster instead and just go with a whole new generation that trumps the PS5 pro. Because at least they know that the existence of a PS5 pro extends out the Sony generation enough to give them a window to do this. Or, and this would be a massive shame, this is the last Xbox hardware generation. I don’t think its likely but maybe enough generations of trailing marketshare means the bean counters give up on that aspect of it.

        1 year ago

        We already saw through court documents that Pro-or-similar consoles are expected. The difference with Microsoft is if they stick to generations like they implied they wouldn’t. You could get creative with you how you count Xbox consoles and say, “Here’s the Xbox 6X and Xbox 6S”, where 6 is a larger number than the PlayStation’s 5, which we know is a strategy that works. Out of the gate, very few games would require that larger hardware, and unlike PlayStation, purchasing an Xbox game once gets you the upgraded version on new hardware. I imagined this is the direction they were headed in when this generation was designed, but 2020 sure did change the trajectory of all sorts of things even if I’m right. I also seriously doubt they’re interested in leaving the console space given the acquisitions they’ve made in the past few years.

        maybe enough generations of trailing marketshare

        The 360/PS3 generation was extremely close, and they had the lead for most of it.