I would love to be able to spin up a container for this cocktail recipe thing I found on Docker Hub.
I am running a Synology DSM 7.2, I have Portainer and have enough knowledge to set up basic things with lots of guides like plex/pihole. But since this is such a niche app my lack of knowledge is hurting.
Anyone have guidance for setting this up for someone with my tools and experience?
For anyone trying to google a solution, I got it to work with the below in Portainer
version: ‘3.7’ services: api: image: ‘gthole/drink-stash:latest’ init: true restart: ‘always’ environment: - SECRET_KEY=enter-a-key-here - ALLOWED_HOSTS=enter-ip-here - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME=can-be-whatever - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL=duh - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=make-it-up - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_FIRST_NAME=John - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_LAST_NAME=Smith - INITIAL_FIXTURES=recipes ports: - 8081:8000 volumes: - /volume1/docker/drink-stash/data:/data - /volume1/docker/drink-stash/public:/public