Ancient engineers: let’s make it work.
Modern engineers: we need to make sure it breaks at approximately 36 months to ensure low ability to claim warranty while also ensuring the customer believes it could have been a fluke.
Or, roughly translated into engineer speak…”anyone can build an aqueduct, it takes skill to build an aqueduct using the minimum amount of material required”.
I’ve never met an engineer who wanted to intentionally design products to break.
The beancounters on the other hand…
As I learned in engineering school…
“Any idiot can build a bridge which doesn’t fall down. It takes an engineer to build a bridge which bearly doesn’t fall down”
Saved this post waiting for a random Lemming to write a seven paragraph essay about Roman engineering.
Anyone can design a 70 mile long aqueduct. It takes a skilled engineer to design a 70 mile long aqueduct using the minimal amount of materials necessary.
Something something anyone can build a strong bridge, only an engineer can build a bridge that just barely doesn’t collapse