You know why these fucktards can’t catch a break? because they don’t deserve one, they tried to bend us all over the back porch railing and do us up the poop chute without any lube.

That’s what happens when ya try fucking around, ya find out. I hope they nail him to the wall, in a place where he can see the sun, because I know his dumb ass will stare at it, and it will be his own damned fault.

    1 year ago

    “Judge Cannon clearly shows her ignorance (bias? both?),” former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann wrote on Twitter. “The obstruction crimes that were investigated are charges that could have been brought in FLA or in DC and thus could be investigated in either district.” Constitutional law expert Laurence Tribe—who in September remarked that the judge was “in the tank for Trump”—echoed that Cannon “continues her dopey and constitutionally dubious usurpation of the executive branch’s investigative and prosecutorial prerogatives.” Former US attorney Joyce White Vance noted that Cannon’s actions “may tee up the issue of her fitness on the case.” Former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner opined, of Monday’s proceedings: “This has the feel of Judge Cannon acting as an advocate for the defense. Guess no one can accuse her of learning her lesson from the appellate court’s prior ruling that she abused her discretion & acted lawlessly to the extreme benefit of Trump.” (Cannon had key aspects of her Trump-related rulings overturned by an appellate court last year in a truly scathing decision.) Writing that Cannon “tried to sabotage this case at the outset,” Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern said he remains “extremely skeptical that she will permit a fair trial to take place.”

    To absolutely no one’s surprise, I’m sure.

    1 year ago

    I understand your sentiment, but using words like “fucktards” just brings you down to their level. Take the high ground so they have to swing up.