I always put everything off for later so i end up with my house uncleaned, books unread, meals uncooked, programming not learned etc. Could anyone offer advice on how to stop procrastinating?
I always put everything off for later so i end up with my house uncleaned, books unread, meals uncooked, programming not learned etc. Could anyone offer advice on how to stop procrastinating?
When I want to make sure I do something I create an event in google calendar for when I want to do it. So the act of deciding to do the thing doesn’t have to be linked to the pain of actually doing it. Then when that time comes and I get the event reminder I can’t be like “I’ll do it some other time” because this is the very specific time I decided to do it, and if not now when? Not foolproof, I blow through a reminder event or push it back to another time once in a while, but it helps.
@psychothumbs @kapx132
I wish that strategy helped me, but it usually doesn’t. Having #PDA means that I see that calender appointment as a demand, making it even less likely that I’ll do the thing ☹️
Hmm that is too bad. For some reason the fact that I am the one making the demand seems to short circuit that oppositional feeling for me.