Been using this client for matrix and I gotta say. This might be the client to be adopted by many once it’s out of alpha. What do you all think?

  • @rustoleum@lemmy.mlOP
    42 years ago

    it’s in alpha my bad but it’s the way the app lays out the messages, feels like an instant messenger not a matrix client

    • azron
      12 years ago

      I noticed and liked that as well. Both Fluffychat and Schildichat do that. Both are on fdroid and play store. I’ve used both. I am currently using element and fluffy. I spend most of my time in element still though it is starting to annoy me more :)

      • @rustoleum@lemmy.mlOP
        12 years ago

        yea i’ve heard that fluffychat is nice although ios users here. and in terms of adoption in the us the client would need to support ios and android such as element