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It is interesting that Reddit took it upon themselves to remove it. They are government employees, those aren’t their private addresses, but end with “.gov”. This seems to be public data.
but it’s fascism time; bootlickers gonna bootlick. gotta protect the fascists from judgment by the people. expect less and less transparency moving forward, all sorts of public information getting concealed, and both mainstream media and social media corporations helping them.
The addresses were originally obtained through a Freedom of Information request, so yes, 100% public information.
Yeah, it’s not like it was a list of where they live
is this seriously it? 26 people are supposed to know enough about the inner workings of all these departments to be able to fire staff?
there is not even an attempt to appear competent
[Removed by Reddit]
Been a minute since I’ve seen that. And that’s actually one huge advantage of the Fediverse. There can’t be a [Removed by Lemmy] because ‘Lemmy’ is a federation of servers with their own rules and regulations and aren’t even all based in the USA. And if any server starts these shenanigans, you can just move to another.
Although I do wish that profiles and comment history could be preserved from one server to another. That’s basically the last piece of the puzzle that would give the user a completely a completely free experience.
deleted by creator
Nope, that could still be done with a regular database. Blockchain has no practical use case.
I’m as anti crypto rugpull nft bullshit web 3.0 is gonna be uuuuge bro i swear bro where are you going bro as much as the next person buuuuut…cryptocurrency is a godsend in shithole countries such as mine where the local currency is a joke and and possession of any non local currency is illegal
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Nah, There’s other ways to store data while preserving confidentiality, integrity and availability that isn’t on the blockchain. Besides A public ledger connected to a specific profile could make it easier for the profile to be doxxed/fingerprinted.
Spitballing here but a service using simple key-pairs might be a better way to do this.
• Users generate a key pair client-side.
• Public key is stored on the server, acting as the user’s identity.
• To update their profile, users sign the request with their private key. (Data is signed/verified client side before submission)
• The server verifies the signature using the stored public key before edits can be made.
Because data signature/verification are done client side theoretically you don’t need a ledger, your client can enforce profile state. (Maybe an HMAC is sent with the verified data and there reverted periodically by the client)
You guys are re-inventing self sovereign IDs
Just public key cryptography. All your actual posts and comment history are already shared. What is missing is a way to authenticate yourself to anyone but your home server. If the protocol included every profile having a public key, you could then use that to authenticate to any server. And managing that private key is no more complicated than managing your private key in a block chain context.
Non public info like subscriptions is a bit more complicated, because there is an actual policy question of who you share it with. You would either need to make it publicly available, keep a copy yourself, or have your home instance give it to you/the other server at the time you want to migrate.
Lemmy added export data import data features I think. That’s plenty.
I’m not even sure on anonymous Internet forums what I would want to move.
Yeah it’s nice to be able to import your list of subscriptions at least. But for comment history, I guess it depends what you’re getting out of a place like this. On Reddit, I liked going back sometimes and seeing what I was posting a couple of years ago. Especially if it’s personal shit, or even old review posts for movies or whatever. I like having a stable online presence or identity with a history to refer to.
Huh, I’m the opposite. I wipe all my info every year just to prevent being tracked. If I want to remember something I save it to my note taking app.
Just allow people to bring their own IDs to servers. Self sovereign IDs, or SSI for short.
Blockchain has a usecase here, and it would be for disabling your ID in case of privkey leak, or for having people or entities strengthen or verify your pubkey or tie a hash of your birth certificate to it.
Blockchains are great for providing reliable immutable and verifiable timestamps of data. The reason they are safe is because a lot of people have tied actual value to it, and thus most don’t want to invalidate the blockchain and destroy their value.
Funny seeing Musk on this list after his “I’m just a consultant” bit.
In case you want to see some (not all) faces:
edit: direct link:
Hahaha what kinda name is that Christina Hanna 🤣
A pretty normal one?
I noticed a distinct lack of Tragedeigh-style names.
Maybe we need more Paydons and Jaedins in government.
It’s like 2 first names
Like Michael Jordan? Very weird
That’s a lot of white male names
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I’m a white male, ssssoooooo
Not sure how that changes anything.
It means I didn’t racially profile based on prejudices. This isn’t rocket surgery champ.
You know what the best part is to know I’m not lying? My name is on the list, and it’s probably one of the more uncommon ones.
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Nope. Now think about this, I make a comment “wow! Lots of black names on this weeks court docket!” Sounds kinda racist eh’? That’s why I dont say such ignorant shit.
“Enlightened” centrist doesn’t understand the difference between punching up and punching down, more at 11.
Yeah, pretty sure the racist part is that you correlated black names with court dockets as a made up example. A school roster or something would have been a neutral example. You may just have some personal struggles in this area. Not saying things is a very good way to avoid sounding racist but not a good way to confront our personal biases. <3
I think you might have just said some ignorant shit by mistake
Keep digging that hole!
Yup. That does sound racist. Mentioning black names and a court docket together in an example leads me to think inherent bias exists in the commenter.
Annnnnd I’ll just save this photo.
Might as well spam a bit to panic any crawling bots by the numbers it’s posted
Yeah why not. I sure hope they have OCR enabled
What’s OCR? Please elaborate. I could Google it, but a personal touch is always nice.
OCR is an automation tool designed to pull text out of images or PDFs. It’s super useful, you can scan documents and then use OCR to create a markdown/plaintext copy that’s easier to search for. I like doing this for documents where I need the wording more than the paper itself, like my lease
Ah. So it’s the tech/protocol/[correctlabel] that’s behind the technology that allows me to just hold down the home button on my Samsung S24 while looking at that picture so I can just paint and copypaste this from the image?
Aimonetti Altik Armstrong Balajadia Beynon Biasini Bobba Boizelle Bryant Burnham Coristine 16 17 Jacob Anthony Jennifer Alexandra Riccardo Akash Ashley Emily James Edward Steven Marko Luke 18 Davis Elez Farritor Fox Hanley 19 20 Holmes 21 Killian 22 Kmiec Lahera Lindemann Musk Joshua Joshua Stephanie Gautier Keenan Nicholas Kendall Elon Noah Nikhil Adam Austin 23 24 25 26 Peters 27 Rajpal 28 Ramada 29 30 31 Shaotran 32 33 34 35 Raynor Schutt Smith Stanley Wick Wiles 36 Young Kyle Ethan Brad Christopher Jordan Susan Christopher Removed by Reddit 1 Display Nne Aimonetti, Justin W. Altik, Jacob R. Armstrong, Anthony J. Balajadia, Jennifer Beynon, Alexandra T. Biasini, Riccardo N. Bobba, Akash N. Boizelle, Ashley S. Bryant, Emily L. Burnham, James Coristine, Edward H. Davis, Steven M. Elez, Marko Farritor, Luke E. Fox, Joshua Hanley, Joshua A. Holmes, Stephanie M. Killian, Gautier C. Kmiec, Keenan D. Lahera, Nicholas Lindemann, Kendall M. Musk, Elon R. Peters, Noah Rajpal, Nikhil Ramada, Adam Raynor, Austin L. Schutt, Kyle L. Shaotran, Ethan Smith, Brad M. Stanley, Christopher A. Wick, Jordan M. Wiles, Susan S. Young, Christopher J. Emily.L. Nikhil. Austin.L. Christopher. Christopher.)
This here?
That looks pretty good, and yes that is an accurate finding about your phones feature. We can take this one step further though, if you can find a good webp to pdf converter like Sterling-pdf (self-host able but I don’t have a machine with me at work to do this rn), then you can convert the PDF to markdown and it will preserve the formatting. Then we can convert it to HTML and we’ve reverse engineered the page in the image and could even publish it onto the open web!
Edit: actually you can probably skip the markdown step now that I think about it lol
I mean.
HEREWASANATTEMPT Last Name First Name Justin comments 10 Aimonetti Altik Armstrong Balajadia Beynon Biasini Bobba Boizelle 11 12 Bryant 13 Burmham 15 16 Jacob Anthony Jennifer Alexandra Riccardo Akash Ashley Emily James Edward Steven Marko Luke Joshua Coristine Davis Elez Farritor Fox Hanley Kmiec 17 18 19 20 Holmes 21 Killian 22 23 Lahera 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Lindemann Musk Peters Rajpal Ramada Raynor Schutt Shaotran Joshua Stephanie Gautier Keenan Nicholas Kendall Elon Noah Nikhil Adam Austin Kyle Ethan 32 Smith 33 34 35 36 Stanley Wick Wiles Young Brad Christopher Jordan Susan Christopher Aimonetti, Justin W. Altik, Jacob R. Balajadia, Jennifer Beynon, Alexandra T. Biasini, Riccardo N. Removed by Reddit 1 Display N Armstrong, Anthony J. Bobba, Akash N. Boizelle, Ashley S. Bryant, Emily L. Burnham, James Coristine, Edward H. Davis, Steven Elez, Marko Farritor, Luke Fox, Joshua Hanley, Joshua A. Holmes, Stephanie Killian, Gautier C. Kmiec, Keenan D. Lahera, Nicholas Lindemann, Kendall M. Musk, Elon R. Peters, Noah Rajpal, Nikhil Ramada, Adam Raynor, Austin L. Schutt, Kyle L. Shaotran, Ethan Smith, Brad M. Stanley, Christopher A Wick, Jordan M. Wiles, Susan S. Young, Christopher Jennifer. Nikhil. Austin.L. Christopher. Christopher.
It’s not perfect, but being able to do that on anything just by pressing one button is pretty nifty imo. Convenient.
Last Name,First Name,Display Name,Email Address Aimonetti,Justin,Aimonetti, Justin W., Atik,Jacob,Atik, Jacob R., Armstrong,Anthony,Armstrong, Anthony J., Balajadia,Jennifer,Balajadia, Jennifer, Beynon,Alexandra,Beynon, Alexandra T., Biasini,Riccardo,Biasini, Riccardo N., Bobba,Akash,Bobba, Akash N., Boizelle,Ashley,Boizelle, Ashley S., Bryant,Emily,Bryant, Emily L., Burnham,James,Burnham, James, Coristine,Edward,Coristine, Edward H., Davis,Steven,Davis, Steven M., Elez,Marko,Elez, Marko, Farritor,Luke,Farritor, Luke E., Fox,Joshua,Fox, Joshua, Hanley,Joshua,Hanley, Joshua A., Holmes,Stephanie,Holmes, Stephanie M., Killian,Gautier,Killian, Gautier C., Kmiec,Keenan,Kmiec, Keenan D., Lahera,Nicholas,Lahera, Nicholas, Lindemann,Kendall,Lindemann, Kendall M., Musk,Elon,Musk, Elon R., Peters,Noah,Peters, Noah, Rajpal,Nikhil,Rajpal, Nikhil, Ramada,Adam,Ramada, Adam, Raynor,Austin,Raynor, Austin L., Schutt,Kyle,Schutt, Kyle L., Shaotran,Ethan,Shaotran, Ethan, Smith,Brad,Smith, Brad M., Stanley,Christopher,Stanley, Christopher, Wick,Jordan,Wick, Jordan M., Wiles,Susan,Wiles, Susan S., Young,Christopher,Young, Christopher J.,
Oh yeah. That looks good even on PC.
I’m new around these parts. First post, here goes:
What a bunch of tools run Reddit.
[Removed by Reddit]
Of course Steve Cuckman would be the first to try and cover this up.
What’s E. R. Musk’s middle name? Racist? RæXXpt? Or some barely-pronounceable South African one?
Elon’s middle name Reeve is derived from his maternal great-grandmother Edith Reeve Angel, who is in turn a granddaughter of Elizabeth Reeve, of Totnes, Devon, England. A reeve was a form of medieval bailiff, who managed feudal lands, and as such was not usually a popular individual. source:
hah ! amazing. Pieces of shit generation after generation
He probably doesn’t, he might just be doing it so his email is ‘erm’
Ok, so if the entire world turns into a dictatorship, with no free countries. Seriously, who will even want to live in it? How long until the population just de-pops itself?
We’re already there?
I am 31 years old. A lot of my friends aren’t chasing partners, yet those who do don’t really want to make babies due to the long array of problems affecting quality of life.
I’m not exactly a baby-maker myself. I am quite anti-natalist as a matter of fact.
Historically, people have made babies under much more dire circumstances and some of them made it through so we’re here today. I don’t feel like having kids either, I know, but I think this sentiment comes from a luxurious position.
Despite dire circumstances those people might have had hope for the future
My mother was born in a basement during the bombardments of Dresden while the house above them was burning. Her mother had barely made it out of the second floor with burning phosphorus running down the walls. At this point, my grandparents had been on the road for quite a while, narrowly escaping the Russian front, starting with leaving behind every single thing they owned at their farm estate in Silesia. They had nothing but their clothes on their back and they already experienced, that nobody wanted anything to do with the refugees from the east.
My inconveniences are mild, compared to that. They are significant for me, but historically, we’re still at an all time high compared to our ancestors, unless you have old money in your bloodline.
If they had to leave everything behind then probably also condoms - good for you! 😅
Historically, people didn’t have easy access to multiple forms of birth control.
But then they’ve already started working on that: Dobbs, period policing, “NO CONDOMS FOR GAZA!!!”
I guess we just need to switch to sodomy
What people want will have little to do with it, unfortunately. The “hope” is that contraception bans combined with misleading/nonexistent sex ed will maintain a population.
After they destroyed any sense of community? Pushing individualism might be what has led to this
Aside from the economy, the EU is pretty ok tbh…so “the whole world” is a bit of a stretch.
Central and South America as well. Canada can be fine
okay so what do you wanna do with them now?
Could be anything from on entry point on a phishing campaign to simply flooding their inbox with useless shit
Also, they likely use exchange, so if you were to spoof their email@ address, you could really trick people into thinking it was an official email from any of those addresses
These are all on the same domain. I guarantee you they have extensive spam filters in place. “Flooding their inbox” will do nothing as the messages won’t even go to their inbox.
You gotta spoof the from email address. If you find an open mail relay, it’s as easy as using the send-mail command in PowerShell. I never actually did that particular kind of operation in Linux, but I would be surprised if there isn’t a cli that would do that.
Employee Relations Manager 71 At Waffle House Office Explains Odd Passion: Golf On Venus
You love to see it.
Why are we doxxing these people, theyre running the same rat race as everyone else and doing a job the government we voted for is paying them to do. Is this supposed to be a petty revenge?
They know why they are in that department and job. They want to take an active part in dismantling their own government.
Fuck these people.
deleted by creator
Cut billions of dollars in aid to the poorest people in the world? Without having any authority to do it? An average person would stop and think “how many people are going to die from this?” Or, more selfishly, “what consequences will I face in the future if I do something so fundamentally evil?” Or, more practically, “is what I’m doing legal, and will Trump and Musk throw me under the bus and claim I acted without orders if I get criminally charged for this?”
These kids aren’t thinking about long-term consequences. They’re thinking “the richest man in the world chose me to transform America and I have to live up to his expectations”.
You’ve almost got it right. An average person would stop and think about shit like that. A psychopath would not.
They may be young adults, but they are still adults. Adults still go to prison for doing stupid shit that gets people killed. All of these adults are getting people killed. Literally.
You’re not wrong that they might not realize the consequences. But the consequences are still real. I would much prefer that the consequences of their actions are things like cyber bullying and phishing instead of things like WW3 and yet another holocaust
Exactly. That’s why making it harder for them to dismantle the government is actively helpful to multiple nations, and being able to spoof emails from others on that list is probably the best way to get around any filters. Not that I’d ever advocate for doxxing. Nope. Definitely noone should ever do that or anything else illegal ever.
Sounds like a similar excuse the concentration camp guards used after WWII
these children
I’m sorry but no. When I was younger than that I was following the news. I remember listening to Dubya and Obama’s state of the union speeches and such. I remember being horrified at each war being declared. I remember how civil rights were given or taken away depending on the weather. And before that I was having debates with my teammates about religion and politics in and out of school.
All this to say, besides that I was quite insufferable and still may be, is that I was refining my values and my morals along the way. I knew what was right from wrong, I knew where the boundaries lay, and I knew that certain actions by authorities were bad. And I was damn young. I don’t think I’m smarter than the average person, but I know damn well what I was thinking back then.
Don’t underestimate young people. These people know very well what they’re doing.
I had agency and a moral compass in my late teens and twenties.
Same sentiment as Hitler’s followers
I learned about Nazis and “just following orders” before 6th grade. 20 year olds are not infants.
They are literally killing children and babies same as if they were standing there stepping on their little faces and leaving bloody footprints in their wake. No sympathy for child killers.
Poorest people in the world? Why are the poorest people in the world the USA’s problem?
Pre edit: Oh, lol. I just typed this out and realized you were the same guy from elsewhere in the comments. Feel free to completely disagree with me, but I’m leaving this here for others that want to read and think.
There are a lot of great answers to the question, how about this one.
When the USA spent 6.5 billion anually (started with George Bush) it prevented 20 million people from being able to spread HIV each year. This includes to children that would be born with HIV. Now you might not have the empathy to consider investing that for foreign adults and children at the cost of double what just Elon Musk got last year in government contracts, but let’s change from HIV to the next Covid. What would happen to the rate of infection globally if 20 million more people from some of the poorest countries became vectors of a highly contagious deisease? That sounds like a problem for the USA to me.
They could simply not work for a fascist. That’s what I’m doing, and I’m doing fine
I’m not doxing, you’re doxing.
Which congressional bill gives them power?
Yeah! They’re just following orders!