Why you over here just casually posting pictures of heros?
He’s not the hero we deserve, but he’s the hero we need.
…I never understood that line. Like, why wouldn’t the people deserve a hero?
Of coarse, that’s assuming you take the movies POV, and think of Batman as the hero.
I mean, I don’t. But if you think he’s the hero of the movie, why would gotham not deserve him?
And in Luigis case, I DO think of him as the hero of the story. But I also think we deserve him.
So, I never got that phrase.
“Because he’s the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now”
Because the hero Gotham needed was Harvey Dent. Gotham needed hope, which Harvey represented. If Gotham knew that Harvey went evil, then it would have shown that the Joker was right. It would have shaken peoples faith and motivation to do good.
The line never said people didn’t deserve a hero.
Because the people are to blame for the problem.
They let their city turn to shit (if you ignore the lore about the city being cursed or whatever), so why do they deserve someone else to fix their mess?
Same as in America, Americans have stood by and let their country turn to shit, do they deserve someone to save them? Nope, but they fucking need it.
Because the people are to blame for the problem.
Typical victim blaming bullshit. In an inherently corrupt system like that of Gotham or IRL New York or the US in general, 90%+ of the people don’t really have any meaningful control over what the elite does with society.
To blame the oppressed rather than rebel against the oppressors is some useful idiot shit.
People can always rise up and overthrow their leaders. There are countless examples of this happening across the globe and time, the problem is too many are comfortable with their safety in the status quo.
People can always rise up and overthrow their leaders
Sure… Because overthrowing a government that doesn’t care about civilian casualties and is backed by the most bloated and over-funded military and police in the history of the world is TOTALLY doable! 🙄
Especially when the nominal political opposition cares more about norms and procedures than actually resisting fascism.
There are countless examples
None of them with an elite anywhere near as insulated from public pressure as this one, though.
the problem is
too manythe only ones with the power to fight it are comfortable with their safety in the status quo.Fixed it for you.
The man, the myth, the legend. Just had to let more people see that smile.
And to avoid that, all they have to do is became big damn heroes by giving their money in charity, or tax, or fund a research lab or whatever way of throwing their money back out there that they choose.
Astounding that they’d find it so detestable that they’d rather risk death in the hands of a class revolution than see their money feed kids or cure cancer or whatnot.
Well, that is a bit excessive.
Rabid dogs are put down because there is no cure for their disease, and they cannot be controlled, and their very existence will bring harm to others and…Nevermind.
Yah this is really hyperbolic, the reason we “put down” vicious or dangerous animals is because we’ve accepted that they are what they are and we’ve all collectively agreed that they cannot change their nature and will always be a danger to every- …oh. Okay, yeah I see.
Billionaires should not exist. You don’t get to be a billionaire without exploiting people - for that matter once you get over about 10M you’re probably stepping on people, or exploiting systems, in order to continue growing your wealth. And why, exactly? It’s a sickness that gets worse the richer someone gets. It’s been studied and confirmed that people who have excessive wealth convince themselves that they deserve it, they earned it individually, and that they are special and more valuable than others. So instead of riding off into the sunset, they feed their addiction by buying outsized and unearned power in order to shape the laws so that they can make more money. Just fuck off already - you won at capitalism, now get the fuck out of the way and stop screwing over everyone else and making our lives miserable.
Beyond 100M we should just take it all for the state. 100% tax rate. If you want to keep earning beyond that, then great, you will have the glory of contributing to the public good.
But since billionaires have convinced idiots to advocate against the idiots’ own interest, and argue that the billionaires can’t be constrained in any way, then this will never happen in the current social context. So next best thing is to do as Bill says. Put the fear of God into them.
CEOs could maintain control of society while avoiding bad press simply by providing people with what they need—living wages, healthcare, and secure retirement plans. They could still rule while ensuring a fairer system. BUT THEY WONT.
Good. Need more of this.
I do think he’s quite wealthy though…
His net worth is between $14M and $20M. That’s a lot for you and me, but he is nobody for example next to musk’s $400B (20,000 times more)
One million seconds is a about 11 days, 1 billion seconds is just under 32 years. People underestimate the difference
The difference is that he isn’t exploiting the labor of others to make most of his wealth. I’m not a huge fan of most celebrities, but at least most of them are actually earning their money by generating demand for their “thing.”
Very true. I like Bill Burr, but he’s still on a lovely crested hill of property that is way out of scope of attainability from the average person.
I don’t understand the obsession with wealth here. I feel like people are missing the point that utilizing wealth to advocate for those less fortunate is still based. Most everyone is richer than us if we know their name and chopping allies down to only poor people means that your convictions to doing what’s right is contingent on meaningless values rather than class values of levels of exploitation. He makes money through his labor, just like us, it reminds me of how the internet reacted to the dock union president making bank. Your convictions end up pretty weak if a CEO could remove them by giving a raise to one person.
Burr 2028: Fuck This Bullshit
Me: EAT THE RICH! Bill Burr: I got you fam…
- To be clear, the 1% I am speaking about are NOT the 1% of your neighborhood, county, or city(necessarily). I speak of the Global 1%. The 1% that make your retired home owning uncle with just under 1million in his retirement look like the firmly lower middle class that he is.
The global 1% include a whole lot of innocent “middle class” people in wealthier countries, like the uncle in your example.
I think maybe you mean the global .01%?
It’s a common phrase used to refer to them. If you didn’t know that you don’t belong in this conversation. If you did know that and were still a prick you’re being disingenuous.
The global 1% includes the middle class of wealthy countries. You can literally look this up. The 1% of rich countries is much smaller.
No one’s arguing that. I’m saying you knew what they meant and chose to be needlessly pedantic. Saying “The 1%” has been a common phrase for a very long time.
If you live anywhere with expensive housing in the US and own your own home, you’re part of the global 1%.
No one is arguing that with you. What is it with you clowns and your complete lack of reading comprehension?
Oh Bill Burr, what a rebel. Did you say this and then hop in your limo, sipping on a cappuccino at some overpriced coffee shop in Los Angeles? Because that’s just soooo not the image of a real-life firebrand like yourself, is it?
Newsflash, Bill: “Billionaires should be put down like rabid dogs” is not radical, it’s not edgy, and it’s certainly not provocative. It’s just basic human decency. I mean, come on, you’re talking about the same people who own half the media outlets in this country. The same people who make millions off the suffering of others.
And what’s with the whole “rabid dogs” thing? Is that supposed to be some kind of clever metaphor for how these billionaire sociopaths are just running around, spreading their diseased ideology and ruining everything they touch? Please. It’s just a lazy way of putting down someone who is already being criticized by millions of people.
And don’t even get me started on the irony. You’re complaining about billionaires, yet you’ve got your own Netflix deal that’s worth tens of millions of dollars. So no, Bill, I don’t think you can talk about how you wish we’d put down these “rabid dogs” when you’re probably more concerned with padding your bank account.
I mean, what’s next? Are you going to start ranting about how much you love socialist Bernie Sanders and how we should all just give up and live in a tent city because it’s the only way to combat income inequality? Give me a break. You’re not some kind of true original thinker, Bill. You’re just another middle-of-the-road comedian who thinks he can make waves by saying whatever outrage du jour is popular.
And you know what the worst part is? I bet most people are going to be more turned off by your fluff piece than anything else. They’ll read this article and think “oh, Bill’s got a new rant!” instead of actually listening to what he has to say about the issues that really matter.
But hey, keep on complaining, Bill. Keep on talking about how you wish we’d put down billionaires like rabid dogs. Maybe if you spent more time actually doing something to change the system and less time pontificating in your limo, people would actually start listening to what you have to say.
This ain’t it.
Billionaire dont deserve our respect nor loyalty. They can go fuck themselves for all I care. Dogs however are loyal and love us unconditionally.😂
Rabid ones will kill you though.