be an introvert
Dream about talking to huge crowd of people
Wake up exhausted from talking to people
Just dream about sleeping and being well rested afterwards while taking a power nap. Ezpz.
7 hours
“Ugh, I feel like garbage.”
“You must have slept wrong.”
“WHY is that POSSIBLE?”
Tossing, turning, tossing, get up to pee, tossing, back pain, turning, tossing, goddamn it it’s 3 am already, tossing, turning, get up to pee, tossing, cat goes genocidal on her toys, alarm goes off.
Time, you sonofabitch…
You forget the falling asleep literally 12 minutes before your alarm goes off.
OP: rants at and treats self like a little bitch
Also OP: why am I tired?
their body is a little bitch
It’s not the body’s fault, it’s the brain’s fault. That asshole! That’s why
their brain is within their body
Is it though?
Add to my list of evidence against intelligent design.
To be fair, it’s called “intelligent”, not “omnipotent” design, but still.
Those types always claim omnipotency as well. So you’d expect an omnipotent being to make it perfect for everyone. Since it isn’t, the being’s either ignorant or sadist. Or, wait for it - a fucking fairy tale. And with ignorancy one can hardly claim a respectable level of intelligence.
You were born to die as a soldier at 25