You call that russian roulette? This is real russian roulette. Dying is a 1/6 probability.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import random barrel = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] random.shuffle(barrel) print("Russian Roulette") for i in barrel: input("Press enter to shoot") if i == 1: print("You are dead.") exit() else: print("Phew. You survived.")
I love this, except for
i hatei
.I like it, i for int easy to remember. I also use i, j, k as u it vectors and remember at what depth of a multidimentional array in working at.
Wow, a Lain meme was not something I was expecting.
I should watch that show again sometime, I still have the DVDs somewhere I think.
“And you don’t seem to understand…”
A shame you seemed an honest man…
Fuck off, I know what I’m doing.
Omg someone please help how did I get this far they’re going to realize I’m stupid when they fire me everything will collapse because it’s all in a single excel file I need to figure out how to live in a tent in the woods and hunt and forage
Perfectly safe on Windows, too. The remove() function doesn’t work on directories.
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "C:" -Force -Recurse
I’m curious. Does anyone like PowerShell, and the syntax you end up with?
Yeah I’m a big fan of it. People complain about the verbosity of it but I like that for readability and autocomplete makes that a non issue I find. Plus if you really want to save on typing when using it as a terminal tool you can just make aliases for all your common commands.
That can’t remove a directory.
Let’s all love lain.
range inclusive? thusrandom.randint(0, 6) == 1
has a 1 in 7 chance, not 1 in 6. Most revolvers, assuming this is emulating russian roulette, have 6 cylinders, not 7.