Hm, just a moment, I’ll put my telephone handset into the acoustic coupler real quick so I can post my contact on the bbs
Careful you might get hacked
It’s a personal portable transportable cellular telephone.
Yeess, Kung Fury!
Would you like to play a game?
My Nephew: “What’s a fax machine?”
Me: “A landline network of low quality printers people used to use to do invoices and file for divorce.”
My Nephew: “Landline?”
So my oldest kid was grounded from her iPhone one time. Feeling generous one evening, I told her she could use the desk phone in my office to call friends on. It’s an old school red landline with no frills. Just buttons to dial the number and an actual bell that rings. The kind that’s only an upgrade from a rotary disl. It’s mostly for emergencies and never gets used.
Anyway, she sits down at the desk, stares at the phone, and is like, “Ok. What do I do?” It took me a second to realize she was asking how to make a phone call. I told her to pick up the handset and dial the phone number. The whole time she’s just shooting me looks like she doesn’t believe this is actually going to work.
Sounds like she’s rarely out never noticed you use it either… Which makes it interesting both because of the uncommon UI and workflow, and she has not had regular observations to learn from.
For those of us that have operated both it’s a non issue.
But think of how you’d go about it with zero knowledge. I bet most would try dialling the number without lifting the receiver.
Is she used to contacts and doesn’t know how to dial a phone number even on a smartphone? Or just unsure because it works a little different.
What’s a phone number?
All I get is ads and scam calls, might as well disable the phone app at this point.
And the name of the kid: Albert Einstein
“Why don’t you send it over on a dinosaur?”
Can I get your ICQ number?
I can’t log in though…
Lemme hit you on that pager
Do young people not using phone numbers for this today??? Those pre-date e-mails for many, many years…
The communication dynamics of kids are weird. Weirder than I remember anyway. My teenager knows other kids who literally will not talk to you if you’re not on Snapchat or Instagram. For whatever reason they simply refuse to text.
My kid spends an absurd amount of time taking pictures of half her face to send snaps with.
I think if you don’t want to text or call me, then you don’t want to talk to me that bad.
Communication has become reactive instead of proactive.
I’ve never heard it put that way before but I think you might be on to something.
Holy shit you’re right. I feel like I just grew a brain cell
what exactly do you mean by that? isn’t communication always about reacting to each other?
Ive chatted with people before who exclusively talked on snapchat even after getting their number. Its strange to me. Ive since deleted snapchat and have texted a couple of these people with no response. Im getting too old.
No they use Instagram.
Or Snapchat, or some other young people thing
But Instagram is so much less efficient than just texting.
Is it? It allows both to check out each other out a bit before committing to a date.
??? Who said anything about dating?
It’s just funny because people who prefer to communicate through email seem more geriatric than people who prefer to communicate by phone
For real this just makes the 23 year old seem inept. I don’t get this meme
Which one tho? AOL or Hotmail?
I still have an aol and hotmail address. I use them for trash website and services that i dont want to give my main email address to. I wouldnt dare open my aol inbox. I might get covid or something.
Still remember my login id! Lol
OK, but did they smash though?
That subscribe button probably
myspacefriendster want you back onlineHaha, this should have worked ten years ago.
How old is this tweet though
At least three years. I saw it during the covid quarantine