More like virgin memes? Because that’s absolutely not where the urethra sits. lol
It’s closer to the vaginal opening and definitely does not sit right beneath the clitoris.Thank you, I was questioning my equipment for a second! 🤣
!badwomensanatomy ? @badwomensanatomy ? I still have no idea what the proper way of linking communities / magazines is.
Edit: Apparently neither of those.
Edit: Forgot the instance.
I got confused as to which part of the vagina was the Faithless Vagabond…
That’s nothing. The part labeled “clitoris” on this is just the head of a relatively large organ that surrounds the vagina and is very sensitive all over.
You’re already in a NSFW thread, but just in case, this is also NSFW:
All I see is a really strange looking penguin.