Title text: A circle with an A in it means that the circuit has committed a sin and has been marked as punishment.
[A chart of various circuit symbols and their (mostly) fictitious meanings based off of their drawings, captioned:] Circuit Symbols
[Symbol for a switch, labelled:] Drawbridge
[Symbol for a capacitor, labelled:] Overpass
[Symbol for a connection to ground, labelled:] Pogo Stick
[Symbol for a resistor, labelled:] Earthquake
[Symbol for an inductor, labelled:] Sheep
[Symbol for a transformer, labelled:] Two Sheep in Love, Trapped on Opposite Sides of a Fence
[Symbol for a battery, labelled:] Battery
[Symbol for a battery, sorted, labelled:] Baertty
[Symbol for a battery, with far too many short lines, labelled:] Battttttttttttery
[Symbol for a photodiode, labelled:] Check Out This Really Cool Diode
[Symbol for an oscillator, labelled:] Wave Pool
[Symbol for a transistor, labelled:] Trolley Problem
I love that the transcription has the correct labels for those of us who aren’t sparkies.
Not sure that this transcription is useful for person with vision disabilities unfortunately, would need some description of the symbols I think
Wow, if all xkcd comics could have transcripts like this one, my uninformed ass might actually get half the jokes. :D
Check out explain xkcd then
That is a cool diode.
It’s been a while since I had electronics in Uni but this seems accurate.
Don’t worry, someone will eventually come and tell you that it isn’t.
I’m getting the urge to listen to Metallica
This is hilarious.
I’m sorry but the symbol labelled as a wave pool is not an oscillator, it’s an AC voltage source.
Isn’t AC an oscillated DC?