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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • I don’t think you read my message, nor watched the documentary. Maybe I should edit my post to be more succinct in the first paragraph, as to the fact that Stephan Keenan lost his life needlessly and for the one person’s pursuit of glory. It needn’t have happened.

    I have no problems with the documentary, I think its well made and shows us the dangers of the sport of free diving. My problem is with the actions taken by Alyssia in her stunt to conquer the Deep Blue Arch without uni-fin, which ended up costing her colleagues life.

    The dive under the arch should have been attempted incrementally, and with a uni-fin first. Alyssia would have been accustomed to the route. The difficulty of the latteral part of the stunt startled her because she always dived with a uni-fin, so doing so without was biting off a lot more than she could chew. Doing so on the first attempt of such a dangerous dive, created the problems that we saw in the documentary. She put peoples lives at rist, and one of them dies as a result. That is what makes me angry. I do not mind goal oriented pursuits even diving for glory, but by all means make it as safe as possible for all involved.

    This tragedy was completely preventable.

    To understand the point I suggest you watch the documentary.