I read this and spent like a solid minute trying to figure out in what way the human in the photo looked remotely like Mr T. I’m silly dumb sometimes.
I read this and spent like a solid minute trying to figure out in what way the human in the photo looked remotely like Mr T. I’m silly dumb sometimes.
Shudders. Shutters are what people used to have in the US to get through the storms. People thought they were cool so a trend spread. Now almost every house has fake ones. Look on the sides of your windows from outside, ever wonder why that shit was screwed in beside the windows?
What’s recent? Night trench raids in WW2?
If you count class war, the police love using clubs on protestors.
Yep, it’s Florida’s Government in the Sunshine law. Everything the government of the state is involved with is public, including arrests. I’d love to see it adopted nationwide.
One of my cats is a 23 pound orange/maine coon/mutt and his biological brother is only 10 pounds. I’m convinced he’s a dwarf Maine coon. This is pretty off topic I just love my boys and like to talk about them.
I have a second set of brothers that are about one year old. The snowshoe patterned one is confirmed by the vet to be mentally impaired. I love him very much. I have a very strange cat group and they are the best.