• @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    11 year ago

    Have they checked the tyre tread of all the vehicles that have driven that way? It’s probably stuck in the tread of some poor fucker who currently thinks the worst thing in his life is a pebble that goes click click click at low speeds. Worst of it is, he only changed his tyres to get the ones with the environmentally friendly rubber that doesn’t kill all the fish in the rivers that cross under roads. I hope those little fish appreciate his sacrifice.

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlM
    11 year ago

    The device, part of a sensor used in mining, is believed to have fallen off the back of a truck while in transit.

    Oh yeah, we got this tiny extremely dangerous thing that we need to make absolutely sure doesn’t get lost and kill someone by essentially rotting their bones and organs from the inside out.

    I know, let’s just throw it in the bed of the truck!