I’m looking for ideas and similar projects. Which language, framework, database, etc. would you use?


Jedi Archives

Curate and review all kinds of files.


  • File manager with tags instead of hierarchical structure.
  • Implement Both web and GUI.
  • GUI. It would be simpler to use default applications to run files.
  • Web it would be nice to self-host and allow users to access online without installing.
  • Have other fields besides tags, like dates, etc.
  • Be able to filter with an advanced search. Using multiple fields and logical operators.
  • All files are scanned and tagged with a shared metadata database.
  • By default the metadata for every tagged file is automatically uploaded to a shared database.
  • There is an edit history to recover the correct tags, in case a user messes the database.
  • Duplicate finder.
  • Group users with similar interests and provide content suggestion.
  • Use torrent under tor like tribler (?).
  • Autoseed files with the least health by torrent. If each tracked file was seeded it would probably crash (?)
  • Every user is a mod. There is a score based piramid-like structure so that all database changes need to be approved by a user with higher score.


Similar projects:

  • etiquette, tag-based file organizer & search. Web, Flask and SQLite3.
  • tocc, a Tool for Obsessive Compulsive Classifiers. C++.
  • beets, the media library management system for obsessive music geeks. Python.
  • calibre, ebook manager.
  • lib.reviews, a free/libre code and information platform for reviews of anything. Web, JavaScript, Handlebars.
  • TMSU lets you tag your files and then access them through a nifty virtual filesystem from any other application.
  • tagf, tag your files and folders to make them easier to find. go.
  • tagfs, Tag based file manager written in python (Currently a CLI). Python.
  • carpo, A tool to tag and search files.
  • czkawka, multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images, etc. Rust.


  • [ ] Create the database schema, take a look at beets, calibre, etc.
  • [ ] Adding data to the database.
  • [ ] Full text search functionality.
  • ghost_laptop
    -22 years ago

    If it were up to me I’d go with Rust because it’s fast and nice, but it’s going to be harder to do since not many people know it, but if you think you can keep the project alive enough until you get help it would be ideal.

    I think this is something super useful because what happens to me is that there’s not a really good way to organize images unless you keep two copies of the same file. Let’s say I have a meme about chess that also involves politics, should I store in my “Politics” folder or in my “Chess” folder? With a tag based system you only add a tag which makes it appear on both places, so I wish you the best of luck.

    Regarding music I wouldn’t care to use it because I’d rather have a music player that does the same that what you’re proposing but and has a music player integrated into it, which is not something you should add to this software unless you make it really bloaty, at least with e-books and images you generally have another software which just opens it and that’s it.

    Also I think some level of hierarchy is needed, so that you can keep stuff within stuff. For example I could have an “Image” tag, and withing it, different tags like “Memes,” “Video Games,” and so on. At least for me, I wouldn’t want to have video memes along with image memes, for example.